March 12, 2025

This Workshop is a Very Strong Message to the Region and the World that Eritrea, and the Horn of Africa, are Serious About Encountering Organized Crime.

The United Nations Offices on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in partnership with the Eritrean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, IGAD and Interpol successfully held a three day regional workshop in Asmara, Eritrea. UNODSC’s Head of Transitional Organized Crime, Illicit Trafficking and Terrorism Programmes, Mr. Johan Kruger talks to Q&A. Migration has been there for always. How

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Carol Pineau: Lessons from Eritrea—An African-Led Narrative

The American Journalist with a long career in journalism in Africa now shares her views and experiences of Eritrea. Carol Pineau is an American journalist who has worked in Africa for many years representing the biggest news agencies of the world. Her first visit in Eritrea impacted her profession the most as she describes the

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Italian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: “Eritrea is a fantastic country, and I want my children to experience it too.”

Eritrea is a fantastic country. I have to say, I was very excited before coming and I am more excited now that I have seen it. Although, I am here for a short time I think that the charm of the country and the warmth of its people comes straight to the hearts of the

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‘Selam’ at Last! – Eritrea and Ethiopia join in peace after two decades of hostilities.

After twenty years of conflict the Eritrean and Ethiopian people are now officially at peace as President Isaias Afwerki and Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed join hands in brotherhood. As such, Sunday, July the 8th, became a historic day for Eritrea and Ethiopia. The two countries agree to work together for peace and development. For the

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Eri-Ethio Women Government Officials

Sunday morning, the 8th of July, has been a historical day for Eritrea and Ethiopia. After a hearty official welcome, the Ethiopian delegation, led by the Ethiopian Prime Minister, Dr. Abiy Ahmed, headed to the Presidential Palace in Asmara. The women government of both countries were sitting and chatting around a table in the garden

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No Restrictions in Terms of Who, When and Where to Speak to

BBC Reporter Mary Harper interviewed by Billion Temesghen: “No restrictions in terms of who, when and where to speak to” The long standing not so pleasant narratives of Eritrea in mainstream media are often revived by visiting journalists, however, around this time, there seems to be signs of more nuanced reporting and among the few

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