March 12, 2025

What Happens After the Wedding?

Soon after the rainy season, which we have had abundantly this year, there comes the harvesting season. And just before farmers get their hands full with all of the tough but happy field work to fill-up reaped crop enough to cover the family’s table for the whole year and much for stores in town to

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Tesfaye Gebreab Speaking for Justice in Ethiopia

We talk to the renowned Eritrean journalist and editor in the Ethiopian printed press. In Eritrea, however, amongst his fellow Eritrean citizens, he is mainly known for his books and his attachment to the Oromo ethnic group. Tesfaye Gebreab journalist and author, has written eight books –historical novels, true stories, short stories, and memoirs. His

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Holy Showers: A Sacred Healing Tradition in Eritrea

I thought hard and long on what the title should be to the things I am about to tell you in my article. You probably might be thinking how possibly a shower could ever be holy, or consecrated, as a matter of fact. Well it can, and it’s very well true. In Eritrea, all of

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